Новое издание трудов Максима (Триволиса) на греческом языке - Αγίου Μαξίμου Γραικού Λόγοι τ.Α' Έκδοση της Ι.Μ.Μ. Βατοπαιδιου . Άγιον Όρος : Ιερά Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπαιδίου , 2011. - 549 p.
 Здесь описание издания: "Extensive presentation of the life of St. Maximus, which aims to raise awareness and inform the reader. Philokalian grounds of the Saint, and his letters to various recipients.

The works of St. Maximus initially adopted by the Kazan Theological Academy from 1839-1862 in three volumes, which included one hundred and thirty speeches in old Russian. Then the Lavra of St. Sergius reissue all three volumes in 1910 and 1996 in Russian at the time, and in 2006 in colloquial modern Russian language.

The First Volume number along with the table of contents 549 pages and a foreword by the Abbot of the Holy Great Monastery Vatopedi Elder Ephraim, who among other things writes:

"The Holy Monastery of Vatopedi the present volume introduces the series of collected works of St. Maximus the Greeks, the Greek language version of the first forty-nine grounds of a total of one hundred thirty contained in the three-volume Russian edition. This series will include many works of the saint were not included in the three volumes "

The translation from Russian into Greek was made by Maximus Tsympenko (Classical Philology, History-Hellenist, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kiev and the Kiev Theological Academy) and Timothy Gkimon (history-slavologo, scientific collaborator Insitoutou World History of the Russian Academy Sciences). The annotation of the reasons the book and the writing of the introduction, was conducted by Professor of Theology, University of Athens Dimitrios gonad".


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